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Is there a biofuel alternative on the way? In today's Academic Minute, the University of California, Santa Barbara's Michelle O’Malley...

Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a dire diagnosis. In today's Academic Minute, California State University Northridge's Jonathan Kelber discusses a new effort...

Vampire Legends

Vampires are more than just Dracula. In today's Academic Minute, SUNY Oneonta's Tracy Betsinger looks into a different European vampire...

Pink Ribbons and Breast Cancer Awareness

How did pink ribbons come to symbolize breast cancer awareness? In today's Academic Minute, Winthrop University's Karen Kedrowski explores this...

Animal Learning, Memory and Migration

Animals migrate over long distances – but how do they know where to go? In today's Academic Minute, Washington College's...

The Pulse: StudyTree

This month's episode of the Pulse podcast features an interview with Ethan Keiser, CEO of StudyTree, a mobile "personal assistant"...

Social Learning of Apes

Do primates learn from being social? In today's Academic Minute, Franklin & Marshall College's Lauren Howard delves into how apes...

Working Memory

If you’re listening to this right now you’re using working memory. In today's Academic Minute, New York University's Alex Burmester...