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Danny King of Accredible

This month's episode of the Pulse podcast features an interview with Danny King, CEO and co-founder of Accredible, a digital...

One Milkweed at a Time

Want to help out the butterflies? Plant some milkweed. In today's Academic Minute, part of Northern Kentucky University Week, Kristy...

Watch Out for the TRAP

Air pollution is still a killer all over the world. In today's Academic Minute, part of Northern Kentucky University Week...

Hospital Safety and Quality

Hospital safety and quality are a pressing concern. In today's Academic Minute, part of Northern Kentucky University Week, Linda Dynan...

Mathematical Modeling

Mathematical models help with predicting the future. In today's Academic Minute, part of Rhode Island College Week, David Abrahamson discusses...

Why We Need to Include Human Behavior in Climate Models

What are climate models missing? In today's Academic Minute, part of Rhode Island College Week, Katherine Lacasse delves into this...

Research Matters

People commit crimes for a number of reasons. In today's Academic Minute, part of Rhode Island College Week, Frederic Reamer...

Where Do Students Go After College Graduation?

Where do students go after graduation? In today's Academic Minute, part of Rhode Island College Week, Mikaila Mariel Lemonik Arthur...