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Ep. 36: The Fall Enrollment Picture and Peril for Post-Traditional Students

This episode features Doug Shapiro, executive director of the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, and Juana Sánchez, senior associate on...

Ep. 35: The Year in Review

Erin Hennessy, a vice president at TVP Communications, joined us to talk about what we learned during this unprecedented year...

Ep. 34: Serving Working Students With Innovation and Agility

Gregory Adam Haile, Broward's president, talked about the college's work to add short-term credentials that are stackable and feature embedded...

Ep. 33: Expanding Online Through Partnerships

We spoke with Andrew Clark, the founder, president and CEO of Zovio, a publicly traded education technology services company that...

Ep. 32: Student Wellbeing During the Fall Term

Michael Sorrell, Paul Quinn's president, talked about how the work college sought to stay connected with students during an online...

Ep. 31: Cal State's Next Chancellor

Castro talked about his top priorities as he steps into the new role, including to continue Cal State's push to...

Ep. 30: The Pandemic and College Athletics

To help get a handle on where things stand -- and where they're headed -- we spoke with Amy Privette...

Ep. 29: Next Steps for Competency-Based Education

To get the lay of the land, we spoke with Charla Long, executive director of the Competency-Based Education Network (C-BEN)...