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Space Weather, Plants and Life

Is there another planet like Earth? In today's Academic Minute, Dimitra Atri of NYU Abu Dhabi looks through the telescope...

Wars of Chivalry

They say chivalry is dead. Is that a good thing? In today's Academic Minute, Texas A&M University's Jennifer Goodman Wollock...

Sitting Is Bad, But It's Not All the Same

If you’re sitting, you might want to stand up for this episode. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Victoria's...

Energy Insecurity and COVID-19

Flip the switch and the light goes on for most of us, but not for everyone. In today's Academic Minute...

Our Strategically Lazy Brains

We are all busy, and so are our brains. In today's Academic Minute, a Student Spotlight, Tyler Anderson-Sieg of the...

You Are What Your Stress Level Is

There have been dramatic shifts in wellness for everyone during COVID-19. In today's Academic Minute, Binghamton University's Lina Begdache says...

Cash Payments for Fighting Poverty

What is the best way to fight poverty? In today's Academic Minute, Drake University's Heath Henderson discusses the limitations of...

Vietnam Veterans’ Anti-War Movement

The Vietnam War can be a Rorschach test. In today's Academic Minute, Purchase College's Elise Lemire explains how some veterans...