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Human Asexuality

The more we learn about human sexuality, the more complicated it seems. In today's Academic Minute, Brock University's Anthony Bogaert...

Executive Orders

Discussion of presidential executive orders has proved to be a recurring topic of late. In today's Academic Minute, Gettysburg College's...

Revolutionary Governments

When a revolution occurs and the acting government of a nation is overthrown, what happens next? In today's Academic Minute...

Acoustic Soundscapes

You’ll be amazed at what you hear when you listen closely. In today's Academic Minute, Cornell University's Kim Haines-Eitzen analyzes...


Can your past sexual partners influence the genetics of your children? In today's Academic Minute, the University of New South...

Gender Inequality Trends

Are we getting closer towards achieving gender equality or have the trends begun to reverse? In today's Academic Minute, Union...

Indigenous Air Pollution

The term air pollution might evoke images of an industrialized city with many factories with billowing smokestacks or a crowded...

Journalistic Perspectives on Michael Brown

Without doubt, Michael Brown’s death and the related events occurring in and around Ferguson, Mo., have catalyzed national debate about...