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Migratory Patterns

Fossils are helping us uncover our ancestors’ migratory patterns. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Cincinnati's Ken Tankersley discusses...

Cheap Food and Obesity

Is cheaper food leading to a rise in obesity? In today's Academic Minute, Georgia State University's Charles Courtemanche explores this...

Early Humans in Island Southeast Asia

The threat of rising sea levels has been in our national discussions. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Iowa's...

Obesity and Racism

Both racism and obesity are significant problems independent of one another. But in today's Academic Minute, Boston University's Yvette Cozier...

Athletes & Group Culture

Athletes from different cultures play the game for different reasons. In today's Academic Minute, Black Hills State University's Emilia Flint...

Penguins' Sense of Smell

Do birds have a sense of smell? In today's Academic Minute, St. John Fisher College's Gregory Cunningham tells us that...

Precision Medicine

Not all medical treatments are created equal. In today's Academic Minute, Temple University's Miriam Solomon tells us how precision medicine...

Immigrant Mischaracterization

Immigrants can be portrayed as criminals in the public sphere. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Texas at Austin's...