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Defunding the National Endowment for the Arts

Why is the National Endowment for the Arts on the chopping block? Today, as part of the Academic Minute's Current...

American Health Care Act and Smoking

The recent health care bill was much talked about in the news. Today, as part of the Academic Minute's Current...

Travel Ban Legality

The travel ban has been a big topic in the news. Today, as part of the Academic Minute's Current Affairs...

Pregnancy and the Brain

Pregnancy modifies a woman’s body, but what about her brain? In today's Academic Minute, Oscar Vilarroya of the Autonomous University...

Altering Fashion History

Have we been studying fashion incorrectly? In today's Academic Minute, Albright College's Damayanthie Eluwawalage lays out the reasons to give...

Nature or Nurture

Is it nature or nurture? Or is it both? In today's Academic Minute, the University of Colorado at Boulder's Jason...

Benefits of Bilingualism

The benefits of bilingualism are more than once thought. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Montreal's Ana Inés Ansaldo...

Romantic Jealousy in the Digital Age

How do partners communicate about jealousy in a digital age? In today's Academic Minute, Chapman University's Jennifer Bevan discusses whether...