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Local Government

Want to get involved in government? Look local. In today's Academic Minute, Hamline University's David Schultz explores local governments and...

Gender Gap in STEM

Watch what you say to your little ones. In today's Academic Minute, Florida International University's Shannon Pruden explains why the...

Altruism and Kidney Donation

Why are some more altruistic than others? In today's Academic Minute, the University of Pennsylvania's Kristin Brethel-Haurwitz digs into the...

Climate Change and Health Care

Gaps in health-care access for vulnerable populations are closing around the globe. In today's Academic Minute, Dartmouth College's Chelsey Kivland...

Tattoo Regret and Health Issues

Tattoos are common but also pose a health risk. In today's Academic Minute, Case Western Reserve University's Greg Hall determines...

Where You Live Matters for Your Health

Shared economic prosperity has not found its way into certain states and communities. In today's Academic Minute, American University's Jessica...

Bipartisanship During Watergate

Bipartisanship during a crisis seems unlikely in today’s political climate. In today's Academic Minute, Cornell University's Joseph Fins details a...

ADHD in Adults

Can ADHD start in adults? In today's Academic Minute, Florida International University's Margaret Sibley delves into diagnosing adults. Sibley is...