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Elderly Inmates

How should we care for elderly inmates? In today's Academic Minute, part of University of Dayton Week, Martha Hurley says...

Emotional Well-Being of Patients

Health care shouldn’t be limited to physical ailments. In today's Academic Minute, part of University of Dayton Week, Scott Hall...

Newspaper Coverage of Opioid Addiction

How newspapers report on an issue can have a big impact. In today's Academic Minute, part of University of Dayton...

Air Pollution Posters

Want to influence parents on an issue? Teach their kids. In today's Academic Minute, Utah State University's Edwin Stafford examines...

Community Psychology

Psychologists are more than therapists. In today's Academic Minute, DePaul University's Leonard Jason examines the field of community psychology. Jason...

Relational Flexibility

Approaching a difficult situation can be harmful if you’re not prepared. In today's Academic Minute, Wayne State University's Annmarie Cano...

Life Hacking

Hacking isn’t only for computers. In today's Academic Minute, Northeastern University's Joseph Reagle describes another type used to make life...

Native Advertising

Watch out for ads when reading your morning news stories. In today's Academic Minute, Boston University's Michelle Amazeen explores native...