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A Neglected Variable

We should think about when students and families have money, not just about how much they have.

3 Ways to Transform a Lecture Class

Cathy N. Davidson suggests some easy yet constructive ways to introduce and frame a course that can enhance student-centered learning.

An Open Invitation

What is the state of open learning in 2019? What is its future?

Writing and Research and Projects, Oh My

Summer is often a time when academics in the U.S. set big goals and make great strides on their writing...

Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders One Story At a Time

Addressing marketing challenges with diminishing resources may tempt your team to hunker down and pound out the work. But today, impressionable young leaders need the very best performance you and your crew can muster.

Curve Balls and Unexpected Paths

Adriana Bankston explores how uncertainty and rejection can ultimately move you forward in your career and in life.