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The Section Dance

Which sections will be closed and which will run?

We've Ruined Childhood. Let's Not Double Down in College.

It's become clear that school is bad for students. This is why I'm focused on helping them learn.

As Above, So Below

Scott McLemee reviews a roundup of off-beat titles coming out this fall.

Friday Fragments

Declining percentages at community colleges; Marxism; giving to community colleges; and more.

Proposing A DIAL Framework of Alt-Ac Career Progression

Domain, Integration, Alliances, Leadership: Inspired by the RIME framework for medical students.

"No Deal Brexit" Adds Uncertainty to Higher Education in the UK

A "no-deal Brexit" would affect university budgets unequally — some institutions would find their financial situation severely affected.

Picking Up the Pieces

Cassandra O’Sullivan Sachar gives advice for moving forward after your manuscript is rejected.