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Asking the Editors: Part 3

Junior Prof asks two seasoned editors about what role social media plays in promoting a book, whether concerns about institutional prestige are valid and how to avoid being dropped by a university press.

From Adulting Back to Studenting

Bringing the real world into the grad world

We Must Own Our Own Futures

Colleges will have to deal with significant changes in the coming decades, predicts John D. Simon -- changes that can be categorized as the Great Decline, the Great Unknowing and the Great Unbundling.

How to Be the Adviser You’ve Always Wanted

Serving as an adviser can be fulfilling yet also challenging, write Anthony Ocampo and Rachel McLaren, who offer advice on how to be the best one you can be.

7 Reasons Not to Cede Your Online Professional Identity to LinkedIn

Why you should invest in creating and maintaining your own online professional site.

Yes, Books Are Banned

… in Virginia, and all over the country.