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Fellowship Tips: DOE SCGSR

Tips on applying for the Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program.

Are We Pressuring Students to Choose a Hostile STEM?

I've recently had a nagging feeling, writes Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, that we still haven’t figured out how to ask students: Do you, in fact, want a life in STEM?

Advice From a Search Engineer

Scott McLemee reviews Daniel M. Russell's The Joy of Search: A Google Insider's Guide to Going Beyond the Basics.

Guest Post: 'The Years That Matter Most'

Akil Bello, someone uniquely positioned to observe the landscape of higher ed admissions, weighs in on a book lots of people are talking about.

Time Management Roundup

Advice from the GradHacker Team for managing your time.

A Powerful Message

A recent court ruling affirms the vital importance of access and diversity in higher education, writes Robert W. Iuliano.