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Making Conference Food More Inclusive

Considerations for preparing a more inclusive conference menu.

European Internationalization and ‘Money Matters’

International education conferences have evolved into major trade fairs or industry gatherings.

Other Minds

When we know individually what we forget collectively.

Death by a Thousand Cuts

Michael Johnson Jr. calls on tenured and tenure-track faculty to combat an incremental erosion of faculty governance.

Think Positive

Scott McLemee reviews Why We're Wrong about Nearly Everything: A Theory of Human Misunderstanding by Bobby Duffy.

The Confessions of a Ph.D. on Life as an Admissions Counselor

Rebbecca Kaplan advises other Ph.D.s considering higher ed administration, describing how -- despite leaving the scholarly track -- she lives a modified version of the career path she originally prepared for.

Teaching Racism as an Idea

If we teach students to see racism as an idea that's expressed through behaviors, institutions and cultures rather than an immutable character trait, we free them to see things more accurately and with more openness to change, argues Cyndi Kernahan.