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At Last, at Last, a Shining Exception

Syracuse University has purposefully increased its student veteran population -- a core element of its strategic plan.

Getting My Head Around Noodle Partners

The value of hosting an Academic Roundtable.

Willful and for Itself, as Such

Scott McLemee reviews Willful: How We Choose What We Do by Richard Robb.

Inclusion Beyond Appearances

A controversy over a social media post at the University of Missouri should encourage other institutions to reconsider how they and their own departments are operating, writes Courtney N. Wright.

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

A Q&A with Chris Monks, editor of McSweeney's Internet Tendency, on the occasion of the release of the website's 21st-anniversary anthology.

Mal-Employment, the MLA and a Millennial Witch

My October launch of three new higher ed podcasts.