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The Case for an Institutionally Owned Knowledge Infrastructure

The many bottlenecks that the commercial monopoly on research information has imposed are stimulating new strategies, write James W. Weis, Amy Brand and Joi Ito.

Community Building in the Community College Classroom

It aids in the retention of students and in their overall college experience, but it is difficult and requires some creative thinking, writes Sean Gerrity.

College Admissions Testing: Even More of an Arms Race

The changes to the ACT will only exacerbate the problems, writes Ben Paris.

A Not-So-Tidy Narrative

Students aren’t going to college just to get a job -- and that matters, write Michael B. Horn and Bob Moesta.

Learning to Do Less During Challenging Transitions

It can go a long way when it comes to the quality of our mental health, writes Adriana Bankston, who offers advice for coping effectively.