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The Truth About Learning Communities

Are our learning communities genuine communities of learners and learning?

Good and Bad News About Employer Funding of Online Degrees

In the Third Age of online learning, companies are paying for their workers' online degrees. Does that bode well -- or ill -- for nonselective universities and their value proposition, Ryan Craig asks.

Is a President's Job Harder Than It Used to Be?

The really difficult part lies precisely in those areas where college and university leaders cannot borrow from corporate values and practices, writes Clara M. Lovett.

Needed: A Real Conversation About Academic Hours Worked

That busyness and overwork have become status symbols is probably not a surprise, write Carolyn Dever and George Justice, but what interests do they serve?

The Christians I Know

Secular progressives and moderate evangelicals have a lot in common.

Productive Tension in Campus Learning Organizations

On the relationship between consensus, knowledge creation and institutional impact.

Rewarding Your Writing

Tricking yourself into productivity.