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Change Federal Rules So Colleges Can Survive and Thrive

The Education Department should allow emergency approvals for online degree programs so American institutions can educate international and other students place bound by COVID-19, Michael B. Horn and Paul Freedman argue.

Fear Factors

Scott McLemee reviews Fear Itself: The Causes and Consequences of Fear in America, by Christopher D. Bader, Joseph O. Baker, L. Edward Day and Ann Gordon.

The Urgency of Public-Impact Scholarship

Imagine, writes Lisa Reyes Mason, if more of us in academe publicly shared our research expertise to help address crucial social issues. What impact could we collectively have? How could lives change?

What Do We Need to Teach Now?

Many faculty members are so preoccupied with how to set up an online class that it's as if the big, important questions have gone missing, argues Deborah J. Cohan. We must also model for students how and what to prioritize.

Scenes From a Quarantine

Remote piano lessons, local casualties and self-care.