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We Should Spend Our Endowments

A college staff member urges leaders of wealthy institutions -- in this exceptional moment -- to share their resources to help their communities.

Career Exploration -- A Grand Experiment

For Ph.D.s, going on the job market can be a lot like conducting scientific research, writes Briana Konnick, who offers guidance and an iterative framework.

Guest Post: The Complexities of Certainty

Catherine J. Denial asks us to consider the complexities of the unprecedented situation we find ourselves in.

Expectancy Amid Uncertainty

On moving forward and looking ahead.

Intergenerational Trust Will Be Our Superpower

As students across the country relocate from campus communities to virtual ones, the shift calls us to new kinds of collaboration, write Katherine A. Rowe, a university president, and Kelsey Vita, a student leader.

Time and Time Again

Scott McLemee reviews Truls Wyller's What Is Time? An Enquiry.