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Mass Exodus

The COVID-19 crisis stands to drive more Ph.D.s from academia than any event in living memory, and they will require strong career guidance and support, writes Christopher L. Caterine.

A Very Stable and Secure Position?

The pandemic is starting to show how fragile the situations of contingent faculty members actually are, write the members of the executive committee of Tenure for the Common Good.

Teaching With Digital Archives in the First-Year Writing Classroom

Strategies and considerations for utilizing digital archives.

Online Education and Authentic Assessment

A common question these days, writes Douglas Harrison, is "How do we keep students from cheating on online exams?"

COVID-19 and the Chance to Break Out of Our Academic Bubbles

Now, more than ever, we must use digital technology to break down the boundaries, borders and barriers that prevent us from collectively addressing our greatest global challenges, argues Annelise Riles.

Shared Governance Is a Strength During the COVID-19 Crisis

Colleges that share information and consult broadly with diverse constituencies have been able to respond more effectively than those that rely on top-down decision making, writes Marjorie Hass.