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Make Success Possible

When both sides miss the point about reopening.

Learning Science and Higher Education Change

A framework to understand the history and future of higher education.

Summer Planning Strategies

Staying on track between semesters.

Safetyism Was Never Real

When someone accuses others of practicing "safetyism," look at where the power lies.

10 Small Steps for Department Chairs to Foster Inclusion

In times of crisis, it becomes more important than ever, as stress can cause well-intentioned leaders to resort to bias and exclusion, write Ethel L. Mickey, Ember Skye Kanelee and Joya Misra.

Changed, Changed Utterly

Christopher Cox predicts the significant ways academic libraries will shift in terms of collections, services, spaces and operations as a result of the pandemic.

Inviting Students to the Table

Colleges should ask students to help plan curricular and co-curricular options for the fall that will work for them, writes Rebecca Vidra.