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The Question of Living Spaces

Carla Yanni, an architecture expert, and Holly Taylor, a bioethicist, explore the problem of residence halls during the pandemic.

The Life of a Black Academic: Tired and Terrorized

What has not been acknowledged is the world of terror enveloping many black academics that has changed feeling tired to absolute exhaustion, Henrika McCoy writes.

Evaluating a Virtual Commencement

Reflecting on the spring's events, David Galef offers a satiric means of assessment.

Friday Fragments

Fundraising for Plexiglas, some PSAs and a surprising discovery on YouTube.

Managing the Higher Ed Obstacle Course

As colleges consider how to reopen, Mitchell B. Reiss recommends that they prioritize bringing back to campuses one major source of revenue: graduate students.

COVID-19’s Disparate Impact

The pandemic will affect different institutions and students unequally. We can do something about that, write five staff members of the Sorenson Impact Center.