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Generals Die in Bed

When it comes to reopening in the fall, it can be easy to ask people to risk their lives if those making the decisions don't face the same risk, writes Jeff Kolnick.

Portraits of Diversity

In the wake of controversies over Confederate monuments and the names of buildings, Edward C. Halperin explores the best way to capture history on a college or university's walls.

Shifting Geographies

The relationship between places and work is changing.

An Exchange With UC Irvine’s Vijay Gurbaxani

On postsecondary innovation, big tech, software thinking and the possibility of a collegial social media academic debate.

Underestimating the Value of Conferences

Dear Editors: Someone just sent me a link to Rebecca Edwards' LTE critiquing a recent IHE piece (" Supporting Faculty...

'Drivel' on Faculty Professional Development

I still can’t believe that you abandoned comments for this approach, but kk, as the kids say. And worse, you...

Publishing Journal Articles: Tips for Early-Career Scholars

Keisha N. Blain draws on her experiences and observations as a writer, reviewer, editor and editorial board member to offer several practical strategies.