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Showing Industry What Academics Are Made Of

As jobs continue to disappear while COVID-19 spreads, Eric James Stephens invites readers to join #HireHigherEd for help forging a new career path.

Imitating the Economy

Is the pandemic higher ed's version of the oil shocks of the 1970s?

Letters to the Editor vs. Tweets

A small scale natural experiment for a postcomments Inside Higher Ed.

International Students Shouldn’t Be Political Pawns

In its latest announcement, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is strong-arming colleges to fully resume on-campus instruction, regardless of the risks or damages.

Yes, Your Zoom Teaching Can Be First-Rate

Stephen Hersh, a faculty member and former advertising executive, outlines six steps for how you can create a community of active learning online if you "use the medium."

Not All Online Experiences Are Equal

Rob Weir gives advice for rethinking online education as no longer an emergency exception but what may be the norm in coming months.

Criticizing Without the Facts

Dr. Kim chooses not to address the substance of Dr. Kolnick’s article, whose concerns he claims to share, but instead seizes on a couple of generalizations about online learning in Dr. Kolnick’s piece.