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Master Class

An urban university invites a distinguished immigrant writer to inspire students -- in theory, at least.

From the Workshop

Scott McLemee revisits C. Wright Mills's advice on living the scholarly life.

Professors Are Parents, Too

When his son goes off to college, Peter Cleary Yeager finds himself thinking about students in a different way.

Postseason Blues

In Division III athletics, playoff season is when colleges' values are tested, Paula Krebs writes, and if professors don't get involved, colleges will fail.

Meet the Press

A new manifesto announces the death of mass media and the emergence of the citizen journalist. Scott McLemee gives two (but not three) cheers.

In Praise of Librarians

As the roles of libraries and their keepers change, Terry Caesar wants academics to appreciate those who care for our books.

Radio Free Moby

Scott McLemee talks to one of the first literary bloggers about his decision to shift to online radio.

The Honeymoon Is Over

It's great when the person who just hired you makes you feel special, writes Shari Wilson. But don't expect it to last.