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Thinking at the Limits

25 years have passed since Louis Althusser went over the edge of sanity. Scott McLemee wonders what keeps drawing scholars into his orbit.

No Field, No Future

Margaret Soltan offers a defense of disciplines in general and English in particular.

Writing to Be Read

Margaret Gutman Klosko wants a new approach to college public relations -- and an end to phrases like "investing in the future."

Classify Programs, Not Colleges

Grouping individual degrees by the work needed to attain them would better help students and colleges alike, Alan Contreras argues.

A Killing Concept

Does the work of pop philosopher Colin Wilson provide clues to a serial killer's motives? Scott McLemee is banking on the idea.

The Joys of Faculty Self-Evaluations

Hugo Schwyzer finds that this new rite of passage combines the best ideas of teenage reinvention and Maoist self-criticism.

Piled Higher and Deeper

Is Harry Frankfurt's best-selling book useful for understanding the current political situation? Scott McLemee thinks we need another concept.

Love In (and Out of) Academe

Shari Wilson considers whether professors are better off with partners who are also professors.