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Two Takes on Teaching

Paula M. Krebs and Mary Krebs Flaherty -- sisters who work at very different institutions -- trade stories and questions.

Doing Hard Time, Full Time

A look across the hall -- at the life of full-time professors who are not on tenure-track positions.

Beyond Consolation

Scott McLemee interviews Sandra Gilbert about her new book, "Death's Door."

Questions from a Provocateur

Wick Sloane, a former state university CFO, asks: Why are we abandoning public higher education and strangling access?

Bring Back the Handshake

If you are serious about the advancement of academic women, stop hugging them, writes Coral Hughes.

Open Letter to My College Professors

Weeks into her first faculty job, Danna L. Walker thanks (and apologies to) those she learned from (and underappreciated) as a student.

The Great Mismatch

The National Research Council's ratings claim to measure research quality, but they ignore some of the most important and cutting-edge fields, write Kermit L. Hall and Susan Herbst.

Literature to Infinity

Franco Moretti is a theorist with a reputation for counting literary works, rather than reading them. Scott McLemee asks if it all adds up.