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From Ideology to Inquiry

Anne Colby and Thomas Ehrlich offer advice on how professors can promote political engagement by students -- without drowning in hot water.

Accreditation: A Flawed Proposal

The U.S. commission's push for higher, national standards clashes with the public's desire for lower ones, Alan Contreras argues.

Accreditation: Why We Must Change

Some of the Spellings commission's views on accreditation are problematic, says Judith S. Eaton, but higher education can't ignore them.

Hog Wild!

The field of motorcycle studies has its own journal. Scott McLemee goes riding with the Footnote Gang.

This Course May Make You Uncomfortable

David E. Harrington writes about the questions he's posed in class -- even though they upset some students.

Churchill Fallout: It's About Academic Freedom

Last week the University of Colorado panel investigating Ward Churchill found that the controversial professor of Native American studies committed...

Churchill Fallout: There Are More Like Him

Anne D. Neal defends her group's use of syllabus summaries to critique professors.

Stop Chasing High-Tech Cheaters

In life, we all use Google and cellphones to get information, says Ira Socol. Why shouldn’t students do the same?