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Getting the Faculty On Board

The push for accountability won't succeed unless we can gain the support of skeptics, says Freeman A. Hrabowski III.

Beyond a Sense of Place

Journals that seek international diversity on their editorial boards, writes Joseph Gelfer, should start considering the Internet a place, not just a tool.

Pressing On

Last week, academic publishers met to grapple with the digital age. Scott McLemee takes a look at the strategic plan.

Summer Thoughts -- I

Alex Golub considers the differences between how students and professors experience summer.

Summer Thoughts -- II

Shari Wilson tries to avoid making this the season of sloth.

Pitching Writing

Laurence Musgrove explores what's wrong with the assignments professors give their students, and how reality TV might help.

Connecting the Dots

State report on Virginia Tech massacre exposes broad failures to share information -- and the need to close the gulf in student information that separates high school from college.

A Swift Kick for Us Humanists

Why do the scientists ask all the good, important questions? Wick Sloane wonders.