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Liberty, Equality ... Diversity?

A new book by Walter Benn Michaels describes multiculturalism as bolstering economic injustice. Scott McLemee mans the barricades.

Stepping Onto the Tenure Track

Alex Golub reflects on his shift from adjunct to a permanent position.

Halting the Race to the Bottom

John Sexton considers the destructive impact of dogmatism on civil discourse -- and how universities may provide an antidote.

Making Opportunity Real

All colleges have roles in opening higher education to disadvantaged students, write Michael S. McPherson and Morton Owen Schapiro.

A Challenge to the Forum

The elite college officials gathering at an Aspen retreat this weekend shouldn't duck the big issues, Wick Sloane says.

Using Football as Bait

Colleges that create teams to swell their male enrollments often do a disservice to the players, Gordon Marino argues.

State of the Annotation

Is marking up a book a sign of concentration, or just graffiti? Scott McLemee considers the highlights of marginalia.


Cary Nelson offers an inside look at the faculty strike at Eastern Michigan University.