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Just Ask the Students

A colleague's question prompts Laurence Musgrove to consider the responsibilities of professors when making assignments.

Advising: Less Is More?

Students need practical help, not deep relationships, write David C. Paris and Timothy E. Elgren.

Regulating the New Consumerism

Colleges can fend off government-mandated homogeneity only by better measuring and publicizing their own performance, John V. Lombardi writes.

A Liberal Dose of Reason

Is Michael Bérubé a profiteer in the culture wars? Scott McLemee looks at his blog and his new books and the author discusses them in a podcast.

An Inappropriate Illness

Mark Grimsley on living and working in academe -- with bipolar disorder.

The Elephant in the Student Aid Office

Higher ed's lobbying groups want to get out in front of Margaret Spellings on need-based aid, but colleges should look inward first, says Donald E. Heller.

How to Teach a Dirty Book

On the 50th anniverary of Peyton Place, Emily Toth considers what she's taught students and learned from them about the once scandalous novel.

No God Left Behind -- Why Not?

A federal commission's obsession with accountability measures has William G. Durden thinking about what else might be tested -- or not.