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Beyond the Context of No Context

George Trow, who died last month, lived to see his worst fears about the media confirmed. Scott McLemee revisits his legacy.

Don't Tell Me What I Said. I Know What I Meant

Talking and barriers to communication are not new topics for deans. We receive lots of opportunities for help with this...

Sit in My Chair

Ralph E. Luker considers the recent round of controversies over endowed professorships.

Changing the Measure of Success

Jane Arnold writes that in debating accountability, we need to remember that definitions of excellence have evolved over time and may need to change again.

Dealing With Bullies

In an excerpt from her new book, C.K. Gunsalus considers why academe attracts a certain kind of nasty person -- and what departments can do about it.

Quote Unquote

A new anthology of quotations bridges the gap between high culture and mass media. Scott McLemee wonders if it's sturdy enough.

Hogwarts U.

The future of higher education may lie in the English-speaking world's oldest model of university organization, writes Robert O'Hara.

A Primer on Electronic Communication

Eszter Hargittai explains why some e-mail sent to professors will be ignored and offers tips on how to get your queries answered.