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So ... What Do You Study?

Shifting from graduate student to professor, Alex Golub thinks about how one answers a common academic question.

Don't Try Any Funny Stuff

I tried to put a panel session together for the Association of Writers & Writing Programs Conference in Atlanta this...

Research Competition and the MLA

The language group’s report on tenure calls for expanding definition of scholarship, but fails to recognize the common expectations that reinforce the status quo, John V. Lombardi writes.

The Great Man Theory

Is President Bush a student of Hegel? Scott McLemee doubts it, but considers the evidence.

A Moral Tale

Once there was a writer for one of America's biggest catalog companies. Perhaps because the young man was a veteran...

Out With the Old

The death of a scholar of ancient mathematics may mean the demise of a unique department and -- some fear -- an area of research.

10 Bucks For Knowledge ... But No Credit

Wick Sloane celebrates a pocket-sized information renaissance, without battery chargers, downloads or tangled cords.

When Sentimentality Gets to Good Viewers

A film corollary to my last post, about bad books: The media always reports on how emotionally hard the holidays...