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I don't know what that means, but they tell me the kids these days are all crazy for it.

Giving 'Prior Learning' Its Due

Higher education is still the route to gaining credentials for having acquired new skills and knowledge. But sometimes college-level skills...

Chaos Theory

Thank goodness national Get Organized Month is half over. Scott McLemee takes a look at a new book on the uses of disorder.

Is Travel a Perk in Your Field?

Having just returned from an academic conference, I know the rigors of professional travel. I boarded the plane in Philly...

A Professional Development Bill of Rights

It's time for both departments and professors to be serious about nurturing faculty careers, write Michael Bugeja and Lee Wilkins.

Sorting Through the Critiques

John B. Simpson reflects on what's valid and what's oversimplified in a year of reports criticizing higher education.

"Now is the time..."

When's the last time you listened to the entire "I Have a Dream" speech? Also, here's a site that proposes...

Satire and Violence

Half-baked thoughts, then, toward an AWP presentation that won’t be: Jokes, the good Dr. Freud said famously, are often “hostile.”...