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Sweet Baby Lettuces, People

Your entries to the “One True Sentence” contest prove you’ve seen and heard some things. No wonder you have that...

The Disappointment of Portfolio-Based Teaching

Some ideas are better in theory than practice, writes Shari Wilson, who found the much-praised approach gave students needless fears and the wrong motivations.

Eros Unbound

Gershon Legman thought sexual repression made for a mean and bitter society. Scott McLemee wonders if the culture automatically gets more pleasant when we let it all hang out.

Last Chance to Win Big!

The "One True Sentence" contest will remain open another day. Give it a try! See the two previous posts for...

Missed Opportunities on Financial Aid

U.S. proposals to halve the student loan interest rate and raise the maximum Pell Grant won't help those who need it most, Arthur M. Hauptman argues.

Stop Telling Foreign Scholars to Stay Home

Jonathan Knight writes that it's time for Congress and professors to take on the issue of visa denials to academics.

Being Earnest: 3 of 3 Riffs on Hemingway

In the last post, I wrote about Ernest Hemingway’s “Paris 1922” writing exercise, which helped him find his mature style...

True Things: 2 of 3 Riffs on Hemingway

Students often tell me the old lie they’ve been told themselves—Hemingway’s prose is simplicity itself. (“What do Hemingway scholars have...