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Learning From Tragedy

Shelton L. Williams, who experienced the previous worst massacre on an American campus 40 years ago, discusses the implications of the Virginia Tech shootings.

Of Ideal Teachers, Part 1

My acquaintance Chaz and I were imagining an ideal teacher. Actually, we’d been talking about the future, when I intend...

Beach Blanket Bingo

Looking for a brief holiday from total seriousness? Scott McLemee checks into some good destinations for a mental vacation.

Dying to Teach

Jeffrey Berman always encourages "risky writing" by students -- and explains what happened when he shared with them the most personal of works he could have written.

Don't Be Afraid of Committees

People often ask me why I serve on so many committees. I usually tell them a story about my grandfather...

Where Do They All Come From?

I succumbed this week and created my own MySpace page , largely on the advice of a New York Times...

The Constant Crisis of the Liberal Arts

The liberal arts have been in crisis in American colleges and universities in one way or another throughout my academic...

Landing on Track

Shari Wilson considers what she's learned while teaching at a university and why she's happy to be moving to a community college.