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Have I Been Watching This Movie Backwards?

The Education Department's pressure on colleges to use quantitative measures of student learning is getting ahead of the needed research, Bernard Fryshman writes.

And Why Not?

Sometimes, when you've finished reading 56,000 exams, you have to take a break and go see a big concrete chicken...

Ask the Administrator: "Excuse Me, I'm Right Here!"

A new correspondent writes: As a newbie adjunct, I have a question about propriety. At my Community College, I regularly...

An AAUP Manifesto

A loyal but worried member of the association offers an agenda for making the faculty group more relevant and more powerful.

Keep 'Em Coming

Everyone focuses on neurasthenic high school juniors desperate to get into good colleges, but let's shift for a moment to...

Of Sameness

Here was my day, in a sentence: “The past of the character greatly contributes to the meaning of the novel...


If I knew the literature well enough, I'd start developing a theory of academic gossip. As it is, I'm stuck...

C.L.R. James Meets Tony Soprano

As the HBO classic comes to an end, Scott McLemee revisits an early analysis of the gangster as American archetype.