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Counting Backwards

There's a thought-provoking post over at Lesboprof's about career goals, timing, and the importance (and shock!) of counting backwards. It's...

The Perpetuation of Privilege

When enormously wealthy individuals give millions to enormously wealthy universities, it's time to stop calling it philanthropy, writes Walter M. Kimbrough.

What Jim Knows

We finished reading for the AP exam in Louisville on Saturday, and I’m home now. But before I left, I...

Ask the Administrator: Interview Etiquette

Weirdly for this time of year, I've been getting a lot of questions about job interview etiquette. Excerpts from two...

Saving 30 Years

Terry Caesar considers networks, knowing the "right people," and prestige real and imagined.

How Greek Universities Stay That Way

Europe's worst university system -- and that's saying a lot -- has done it again. Ten senior academics at Panteion...


Some of you were curious if the man in the slideshow in my previous post is me. Alas, no. That’s...

Ask the Administrator: Crossing Over to the Dark Side

A longtime reader writes: I'm the math department chair of a high school. I waspromoted from within. I recognize that...