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Universities Under the Influence

With her interest in the grotesqueries of bigtime university sports, UD has read tons of reports from tons of influential...

Why Antioch Matters

The demise of a unique liberal arts college reflects a series of lamentable trends in higher education, writes Cary Nelson.

Happy Bloomsday

Today is the annual worldwide celebration of Leopold Bloom’s adventures around Dublin in 1904. So set down your ashplant, hoist...

Ask the Administrator: Going for Deanships

A new correspondent writes: ----- My question has to do with a dear friend of mine, an assistant professor of...

That Pesky Summer Semester

Like a number of big sports campuses, Auburn University has designated faculty-enablers who smooth the way toward a bogus degree...

Service: The Un-loved Third Rail

Many professors see institutional work as a distraction from research and teaching. They and their colleges must change that, Jim Lakso and Jim Tuten write.

Base Rates

According to a piece in IHE, Democrats in Congress are considering establishing penalties for colleges that increase tuition by too...

Credentials, Accomplishments and Redemption

Stephen Joel Trachtenberg says there could have been another approach -- more fitting to an educational institution -- to the Marilee Jones case.