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No, Not Really

In order to halt growing criticism (covered by Inside Higher Ed and the New York Times) of their ranking of...

Mass Culture 2.0

A prominent librarian utters dire warnings about new media. Scott McLemee hits the books.

Mrs. McSweeney

I was plucked by McSweeney’s Internet Tendency from gray anonymity and propelled onto the glamorous stage of Internet pseudonymity...

Ask the Administrator: Those Pesky Spouses Again...

A newly-chosen department chair writes (obfuscated for anonymity): ------ We have a looming problem -- a beloved colleague of (several)...

La Vie UD

The things I'll do for a post! I've dragged myself through hellish evening heat (summer's up and running in DC)...

Academic Freedom Needs Defending -- From Ward Churchill

Defenders of the controversial professor are undercutting the values they say they want to protect, writes Anne D. Neal.

What Is Higher Education?

Many of us find it challenging to explain the American higher education system to non-academic audiences (and sometimes to academic...

There's Distance Ed, and Then There's Distance Ed

Our distance ed coordinator stopped me in the cafeteria last week to report that she's trying to enroll a student...