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Scathing Online Schoolmarm

A vain man struggles with the threat to his self-importance that student evaluations represent. His writing, in the New York...

How We Become Men

We’ll be traveling for a few days, and I expect my posts to be intermittent next week, so here’s a...

Time for a Wartime Higher Ed Tax Policy

Will colleges and universities yield on new buildings for funds to keep low-income students in school and help veterans go to college? Wick Sloane asks.

'Dude, You're a Fag'

"There's a faggot over there! There's a faggot over there! Come look!" Brian, a senior at "River" High School yelled...

Sarko and 'Sixty-Eight

The Greek government has once again given up efforts to prod that country'sdead university system to life - violent street...

Casaubon on Viagra

The cliché of the absent-minded, asexual professor is dead. Scott McLemee looks at "the new academic stereotype."

The Unlikelihood of Fathers

I didn’t grow up with a father, so my two sons have exactly as much experience with actual fatherhood as...

Assessment for 'Us' and Assessment for 'Them'

In the movie "Ghostbusters," Dan Aykroyd commiserates with Bill Murray after the two lose their jobs as university researchers. “Personally...