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An Anti-Progressive Syllabus

In the era of anthologies of criticism, Mark Bauerlein has some ideas of works to add.

Freezing in Florida

This is part three in what has become a series. Last year, the University of Florida attempted to come to...

CC Teaching Loads

In my CC system, faculty members can teach a 5-5 or a 4-4 load. If we choose the 4-4 load, we do service work in place of the 5th course. I'm in English, and I'm gratefully taking the 4-4 option, to stay sane with fewer papers to grade. But how unusual is this arrangement? How many other CCs will allow a 4-4 load? I live in an expensive state and would love to move to a cheaper one, so I'm wondering, if I am able to get another job at a CC, how likely is it I'll be teaching a 5-5? And how do English teachers manage to teach 5 courses a semester, many or all of which are writing-intensive?

Ask the Administrator: CC Teaching Loads

A returning correspondent writes: ------- In my CC system, faculty members can teach a 5-5 or a 4-4 load. If...

Counterpoint: Antioch Chancellor Responds

News reports about the closure of the university's main College have shortchanged the value of the university's other campuses, Toni Murdock argues.

Summer Summary

David Galef reports on how the faculty of U of All People is spending its time until classes resume.

Scenes From a Vacation

And...we're back. A few vignettes from the last week: The Girl was so happy that she started each morning with...

Are American Scientists an Endangered Species?

Marc Zimmer offers a new way of looking at a crisis facing American colleges and universities.