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Ask the Administrator: The Trial Run

A new correspondent writes: I'm currently ABD in an English Department at an R1 school, working on my dissertation and...

American Job Search

Interviewing for a faculty job has become much like interviewing for a factory job, writes Michael Joseph Donlin.

Shake Your Moneymaker

Murray Sperber writes in Declining by Degrees that an “Academic Arms Race” began in the post-Sputnik boom-era for higher ed...

Ask the Administrator: Letters and Writing Samples

A grad school aspirant writes (edited for length): Applying for grad school is pretty different than applying for undergrad, and...

The LaRouche Youth Movement

Followers of "the best economist in the world today" are coming to your campus. Scott McLemee reads their literature without giggling.

The Press Continues to Press

Not to get all sentimental about it, but one of the highest purposes of a free press is to expose...

Opening Offers, Counteroffers, and a Tip for the Newbies

At my cc, some terms simply don't get used. Some are the predictable grad school-ish buzzwords: “counterhegemonic,” say, or “problematic...

The Shamrock Principle

The student loan scandal has raised questions about all of higher education's commercial relationships. College leaders, not politicians, should define the conversation, writes Jonathan Brown.