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During the academic year, there's a pretty good degree of synchronization on campus. Most people are around frequently enough that...

Stop Starving Our Urban Public Universities

Underfunding colleges that serve large numbers of low-income and minority students risks turning them into "dropout factories," Stephen Jordan writes.

The Girl at Three

The Girl turned three last week. She's very different from her brother. With The Boy, you can see the man...

Going Global 101

J. Michael Adams and Angelo Carfagna offer 10 tips for internationalizing your college and its curriculum.

A Really Bizarre Thing

Is this altogether a bad idea? Wisconsin's State Assembly has voted to end all funding for the law school at...

Summer Idyll

It was blessedly cool and bright today, and I walked over to campus, where I haven’t been in weeks. I...

Ask the Administrator: Sports at Community Colleges

A new correspondent writes: Here at Way Up North CC, our little gym just died, and we're renovating it from...

My First Year as President

Karen Gross looks back at what she learned and offers suggestions to other would-be college chief executives.