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In an unrelated discussion with the registrar at my cc, I learned that her previous college – a respectable-but-not-elite four-year...

Jane Austen, Yadda, Yadda, Yadda

Devoney Looser considers what to say when your academic specialty is suddenly capturing public attention.

Creeping Incrementalism

Over at Bardiac's, there's a thoughtful post on the frustrations of dealing with an administration that makes every class section...

Gone With Two Flashes

Risa Gorelick describes her nightmare upon the theft of her intellectual (and other) property.

Malcolm Lowry Postmortem

For some of us -- a small number -- Malcolm Lowry's Under the Volcano is the ultimate novel. "Lowry's book...

Temporary Loss of Loving Feeling Noted

A few days before the start of some semesters, I suddenly realize the call to teach has left me, the...

Ask My Readers: Revenue Sharing from Textbooks

A returning correspondent writes: You and your readers were very helpful in responding to my questions about how to convince...

Ranking the rankings

It is rankings time again, as everyone interested in colleges and universities know. This annual celebration gives everyone something. It...