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Wide-Stance Sociology

A legendary social science book is back in the news. Scott McLemee looks at a controversial classic.

Unearthing the Rules

Yesterday, I advised cultivating a certain indifference to the unwritten rules. Today's post is about the written ones. Folks who...

Freedom to Teach

Michael Bérubé writes about why the AAUP's new statement on freedom in the classroom matters so much.

"Supposed To"

Oso and Bitch have posts up addressing, in different ways, the whys and wherefores of using your degree in ways...

An Office of His Own

Michael J. Cholbi writes of one of the key perks that drew him to academe -- and why it means so much.

Piss Christ

Readers may recall a column UD wrote about bigtime university sports for Inside Higher Ed last year, in which she...

Reflections on Finding the Holy Grail

Today I welcome guest blogger Glen, a chum of the Churms from way back. He has done what I have...

Tenure and Spinach

New Kid has a great post, taking to task a particularly annoying “First Person” column in the Chronicle. The column...