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After Work

The Girl, her big pink teddy bear, and I are sitting on the couch in the family room. TG: Let's...

The Education of Crazy Larry

Crazy Larry, the struggling actor, is in a commercial run of a good play, which got him signed recently with...

The Hidden Access Crisis

Emphasis on college costs is obscuring problems that keep many people out of higher education, writes John B. Simpson.

Ask the Administrator: What Fresh Hell is This?

A new correspondent asks for help decoding a job ad: I would like to solicit input from you and your...

Mess o' Mobilizations

A few months back, Intellectual Affairs reported on the work of a couple of social scientists who were studying the...

Looks Like Science

But this ain’t science. Sometimes it just doesn’t pay to make friends with writers.

"Me" Movies: Accepted

I enjoy two kinds of movies. The first kind is the “Good Movie.” Good Movies can be identified by such...

'The Closing of the American Mind,' 20 Years Later

“HITS WITH THE APPROXIMATE FORCE AND EFFECT OF ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY” raved Roger Kimball’s review in The New York Times, as...