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Happy Thanksgiving

A couple of weeks ago I called my old friend Frenchy and asked if he’d come for Thanksgiving. It wasn’t...

Access and Limits

Aspazia, characteristically, has a thought-provoking post about applied ethics. This time it's about some partial scholarships that her husband's college...

Man Bites Dog

A mainstream newspaper covering academic books regularly? Scott McLemee looks into it.

Conference Confidential

The Conference on Cold Fusion. Esperanto Again. David Galef offers a look at the academic meetings at which the faculty of U. of All People hopes to vacation, er, develop scholarly expertise this winter.

Advisory Boards

My cc is taking a new look at guidelines for "advisory boards" for various "occupational" degree programs. (A quick definition...

Presidents on Allowances

The Chronicle has had a series over the last week or so about the salaries of college Presidents. I won't...

Trading in the Blue Collar

Reaching working class students requires not just professors' good will, but concrete efforts, writes Shari Dinkins.


The spate of fake hate crimes at America's universities makes going after these people and punishing them crucial. Truly malicious...