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Recruiting Without Paying

A returning correspondent writes: I'm just starting to think of the hiring season and, while I'm at a urban high...

Deconstructing Faculty Work

Over the past decade much discussion has focused on the growing percentage of college teaching done by contingent faculty. Variously...

Can Higher Education Manage Talent?

Colleges are better at helping other organizations' employees develop than at helping their own, writes Doug Lynch.

College Break-Creep

No, not the guy standing in front of the toilet door on the charter bus from Michigan State to Daytona...

Fun with Boards

Although some on campus like to talk about The Administration as a monolith, like The Borg, it's actually composed of...

Scenes from Thanksgiving Break

A few vignettes from the holiday weekend: *** The Boy at lunch: "I'm thinking of a word that rhymes with...

Is This Trip Really Necessary?

If academics want to take global warming seriously, they can start by considering how much they travel, write Joyce Appleby and Nikki Keddie.

UD Gives Thanks to Thomas Doherty

Professor Thomas Doherty of Brandeis University will be in UD's Thanksgiving prayers today. Most Americans can't stand professors -- they've...