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Stuck In Adjunct Hell

A long-suffering correspondent writes: I'm an adjunct . . . everywhere. Note that I am sending this from the Ringling...

Reading Evaluations

A new correspondent -- and apparently the kind of student we'd all like to have -- writes: As a student...

Around the Web

What are the best academic blogs you've never heard of? Scott McLemee beats the bushes for leads

Hire a Geezer

Rob Weir argues that top colleges and universities can get better by getting grayer -- at least in selecting professors.

The Meaning of a Transgender Homecoming King

A student's victory points to the power of some campus traditions, and the need to challenge them, writes Hugo Schwyzer.

Attack of the Grinch

A new correspondent writes: I am a new department chair. The staff love to decorate for any and all holidays...

Blind, Deaf and Dumb

Teaching students to read literature is about taking your time and encouraging them to do likewise, writes Laurence Musgrove. It's not about speed and the latest gadget.

The Limits of Transparency

Search Committee Chair: The job starts next semester. Can you do that? Candidate: No problem! Rarin' to go! Woo-hoo! (skip...